Experimental endpoints that may change or disappear at any time.
📄️ Get all feedback events.
Get all feedback events.
📄️ Submit user feedback
Allows users to submit feedback.
📄️ Validates the Unleash license.
Validates the Unleash license.
📄️ Reads the Unleash license.
Reads the Unleash license. Only available for self-hosted Enterprise customers.
📄️ Set a new Unleash license.
Set a new Unleash license. Only available for self-hosted Enterprise customers.
📄️ Get high level information about usage of Unleash.
Get executive summary
📄️ Get application overview
Returns an overview of the specified application (`appName`).
📄️ Get application environment instances
Returns an overview of the instances for the given `appName` and `environment` that receive traffic.
📄️ Get a list of all applications for a project.
This endpoint returns an list of all the applications for a project.