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Export state (deprecated)

GET /api/admin/state/export

This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

Exports the current state of the system. Deprecated in favor of /api/admin/features-batch/export


Query Parameters

  • format string

    Possible values: [json, yaml]

    Default value: json

    Desired export format. Must be either json or yaml.

  • download any

    Whether exported data should be downloaded as a file.

  • strategies any

    Whether strategies should be included in the exported data.

  • featureToggles any

    Whether feature toggles should be included in the exported data.

  • projects any

    Whether projects should be included in the exported data.

  • tags any

    Whether tag types, tags, and feature_tags should be included in the exported data.

  • environments any

    Whether environments should be included in the exported data.



  • version integer required

    The version of the schema used to describe the state

  • features object[]

    A list of features

  • Array [
  • name string required

    Unique feature name

  • type string

    Type of the toggle e.g. experiment, kill-switch, release, operational, permission

  • description string nullable

    Detailed description of the feature

  • archived boolean

    true if the feature is archived

  • project string

    Name of the project the feature belongs to

  • enabled boolean

    true if the feature is enabled, otherwise false.

  • stale boolean

    true if the feature is stale based on the age and feature type, otherwise false.

  • favorite boolean

    true if the feature was favorited, otherwise false.

  • impressionData boolean

    true if the impression data collection is enabled for the feature, otherwise false.

  • createdAt date-time nullable

    The date the feature was created

  • archivedAt date-time nullable

    The date the feature was archived

  • lastSeenAt date-time nullable deprecated

    The date when metrics where last collected for the feature. This field is deprecated, use the one in featureEnvironmentSchema

  • environments object[]

    The list of environments where the feature can be used

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the environment

  • featureName string

    The name of the feature

  • environment string

    The name of the environment

  • type string

    The type of the environment

  • enabled boolean required

    true if the feature is enabled for the environment, otherwise false.

  • sortOrder number

    The sort order of the feature environment in the feature environments list

  • variantCount number

    The number of defined variants

  • strategies object[]

    A list of activation strategies for the feature environment

  • Array [
  • id string

    A uuid for the feature strategy

  • name string required

    The name or type of strategy

  • title string nullable

    A descriptive title for the strategy

  • disabled boolean nullable

    A toggle to disable the strategy. defaults to false. Disabled strategies are not evaluated or returned to the SDKs

  • featureName string

    The name or feature the strategy is attached to

  • sortOrder number

    The order of the strategy in the list

  • segments number[]

    A list of segment ids attached to the strategy

  • constraints object[]

    A list of the constraints attached to the strategy. See

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field that this constraint should apply to.

  • operator string required


    The operator to use when evaluating this constraint. For more information about the various operators, refer to the strategy constraint operator documentation.

  • caseInsensitive boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the operator should be case sensitive or not. Defaults to false (being case sensitive).

  • inverted boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the result should be negated or not. If true, will turn a true result into a false result and vice versa.

  • values string[]

    The context values that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of value for properties that accept multiple values.

  • value string

    The context value that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of values for properties that only accept single values.

  • ]
  • variants object[]

    Strategy level variants

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variant name. Must be unique for this feature toggle

  • weight integer required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is an integer between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string required

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000. Refer to the variant weight documentation.

  • stickiness string required

    The stickiness to use for distribution of this variant. Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • ]
  • parameters object

    A list of parameters for a strategy

  • property name* string
  • ]
  • variants object[]

    A list of variants for the feature environment

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variants name. Is unique for this feature toggle

  • weight number required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is a number between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000

  • stickiness string

    Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • overrides object[]

    Overrides assigning specific variants to specific users. The weighting system automatically assigns users to specific groups for you, but any overrides in this list will take precedence.

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field used to determine overrides

  • values string[] required

    Which values that should be overriden

  • ]
  • ]
  • lastSeenAt date-time nullable

    The date when metrics where last collected for the feature environment

  • hasStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any strategies defined.

  • hasEnabledStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any enabled strategies defined.

  • ]
  • variants object[]deprecated

    The list of feature variants

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variants name. Is unique for this feature toggle

  • weight number required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is a number between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000

  • stickiness string

    Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • overrides object[]

    Overrides assigning specific variants to specific users. The weighting system automatically assigns users to specific groups for you, but any overrides in this list will take precedence.

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field used to determine overrides

  • values string[] required

    Which values that should be overriden

  • ]
  • ]
  • strategies object[] deprecated

    This is a legacy field that will be deprecated

  • tags object[]nullable

    The list of feature tags

  • Array [
  • value string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    The value of the tag

  • type string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    Default value: simple

    The type of the tag

  • ]
  • children string[]

    The list of child feature names. This is an experimental field and may change.

  • dependencies object[]

    The list of parent dependencies. This is an experimental field and may change.

  • Array [
  • feature string required

    The name of the parent feature

  • enabled boolean

    Whether the parent feature is enabled or not

  • variants string[]

    The list of variants the parent feature should resolve to. Only valid when feature is enabled.

  • ]
  • ]
  • strategies object[]

    A list of strategies

  • Array [
  • title string nullable

    An optional title for the strategy

  • name string required

    The name (type) of the strategy

  • displayName string nullable required

    A human friendly name for the strategy

  • description string nullable required

    A short description of the strategy

  • editable boolean required

    Whether the strategy can be edited or not. Strategies bundled with Unleash cannot be edited.

  • deprecated boolean required
  • parameters object[]required

    A list of relevant parameters for each strategy

  • Array [
  • name string
  • type string
  • description string
  • required boolean
  • ]
  • ]
  • tags object[]

    A list of tags

  • Array [
  • value string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    The value of the tag

  • type string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    Default value: simple

    The type of the tag

  • ]
  • tagTypes object[]

    A list of tag types

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the tag type.

  • description string

    The description of the tag type.

  • icon string nullable

    The icon of the tag type.

  • ]
  • featureTags object[]

    A list of tags applied to features

  • Array [
  • featureName string required

    The name of the feature this tag is applied to

  • tagType string

    The [type]( tag types) of the tag

  • tagValue string required

    The value of the tag

  • type string deprecated

    The [type]( tag types) of the tag. This property is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Unleash. Superseded by the tagType property.

  • value string deprecated

    The value of the tag. This property is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Unleash. Superseded by the tagValue property.

  • createdByUserId number nullable

    The id of the user who created this tag

  • ]
  • projects object[]

    A list of projects

  • Array [
  • id string required

    The id of this project

  • name string required

    The name of this project

  • description string nullable

    Additional information about the project

  • health number

    An indicator of the project's health on a scale from 0 to 100

  • featureCount number

    The number of features this project has

  • staleFeatureCount number

    The number of stale features this project has

  • potentiallyStaleFeatureCount number

    The number of potentially stale features this project has

  • memberCount number

    The number of members this project has

  • createdAt date-time

    When this project was created.

  • updatedAt date-time nullable

    When this project was last updated.

  • favorite boolean

    true if the project was favorited, otherwise false.

  • mode string

    Possible values: [open, protected, private]

    The project's collaboration mode. Determines whether non-project members can submit change requests or not.

  • defaultStickiness string

    A default stickiness for the project affecting the default stickiness value for variants and Gradual Rollout strategy

  • avgTimeToProduction number

    The average time from when a feature was created to when it was enabled in the "production" environment during the current window

  • ]
  • featureStrategies object[]

    A list of feature strategies as applied to features

  • Array [
  • id string

    A uuid for the feature strategy

  • name string required

    The name or type of strategy

  • title string nullable

    A descriptive title for the strategy

  • disabled boolean nullable

    A toggle to disable the strategy. defaults to false. Disabled strategies are not evaluated or returned to the SDKs

  • featureName string

    The name or feature the strategy is attached to

  • sortOrder number

    The order of the strategy in the list

  • segments number[]

    A list of segment ids attached to the strategy

  • constraints object[]

    A list of the constraints attached to the strategy. See

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field that this constraint should apply to.

  • operator string required


    The operator to use when evaluating this constraint. For more information about the various operators, refer to the strategy constraint operator documentation.

  • caseInsensitive boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the operator should be case sensitive or not. Defaults to false (being case sensitive).

  • inverted boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the result should be negated or not. If true, will turn a true result into a false result and vice versa.

  • values string[]

    The context values that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of value for properties that accept multiple values.

  • value string

    The context value that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of values for properties that only accept single values.

  • ]
  • variants object[]

    Strategy level variants

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variant name. Must be unique for this feature toggle

  • weight integer required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is an integer between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string required

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000. Refer to the variant weight documentation.

  • stickiness string required

    The stickiness to use for distribution of this variant. Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • ]
  • parameters object

    A list of parameters for a strategy

  • property name* string
  • ]
  • featureEnvironments object[]

    A list of feature environment configurations

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the environment

  • featureName string

    The name of the feature

  • environment string

    The name of the environment

  • type string

    The type of the environment

  • enabled boolean required

    true if the feature is enabled for the environment, otherwise false.

  • sortOrder number

    The sort order of the feature environment in the feature environments list

  • variantCount number

    The number of defined variants

  • strategies object[]

    A list of activation strategies for the feature environment

  • Array [
  • id string

    A uuid for the feature strategy

  • name string required

    The name or type of strategy

  • title string nullable

    A descriptive title for the strategy

  • disabled boolean nullable

    A toggle to disable the strategy. defaults to false. Disabled strategies are not evaluated or returned to the SDKs

  • featureName string

    The name or feature the strategy is attached to

  • sortOrder number

    The order of the strategy in the list

  • segments number[]

    A list of segment ids attached to the strategy

  • constraints object[]

    A list of the constraints attached to the strategy. See

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field that this constraint should apply to.

  • operator string required


    The operator to use when evaluating this constraint. For more information about the various operators, refer to the strategy constraint operator documentation.

  • caseInsensitive boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the operator should be case sensitive or not. Defaults to false (being case sensitive).

  • inverted boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the result should be negated or not. If true, will turn a true result into a false result and vice versa.

  • values string[]

    The context values that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of value for properties that accept multiple values.

  • value string

    The context value that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of values for properties that only accept single values.

  • ]
  • variants object[]

    Strategy level variants

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variant name. Must be unique for this feature toggle

  • weight integer required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is an integer between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string required

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000. Refer to the variant weight documentation.

  • stickiness string required

    The stickiness to use for distribution of this variant. Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • ]
  • parameters object

    A list of parameters for a strategy

  • property name* string
  • ]
  • variants object[]

    A list of variants for the feature environment

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The variants name. Is unique for this feature toggle

  • weight number required

    Possible values: <= 1000

    The weight is the likelihood of any one user getting this variant. It is a number between 0 and 1000. See the section on variant weights for more information

  • weightType string

    Possible values: [variable, fix]

    Set to fix if this variant must have exactly the weight allocated to it. If the type is variable, the weight will adjust so that the total weight of all variants adds up to 1000

  • stickiness string

    Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same variant every time

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The type of the value. Commonly used types are string, number, json and csv.

  • value string required

    The actual value of payload

  • overrides object[]

    Overrides assigning specific variants to specific users. The weighting system automatically assigns users to specific groups for you, but any overrides in this list will take precedence.

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field used to determine overrides

  • values string[] required

    Which values that should be overriden

  • ]
  • ]
  • lastSeenAt date-time nullable

    The date when metrics where last collected for the feature environment

  • hasStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any strategies defined.

  • hasEnabledStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any enabled strategies defined.

  • ]
  • environments object[]

    A list of environments

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the environment

  • type string required
  • enabled boolean required

    true if the environment is enabled for the project, otherwise false.

  • protected boolean required

    true if the environment is protected, otherwise false. A protected environment can not be deleted.

  • sortOrder integer required

    Priority of the environment in a list of environments, the lower the value, the higher up in the list the environment will appear. Needs to be an integer

  • projectCount integer nullable

    The number of projects with this environment

  • apiTokenCount integer nullable

    The number of API tokens for the project environment

  • enabledToggleCount integer nullable

    The number of enabled toggles for the project environment

  • ]
  • segments object[]

    A list of segments

  • Array [
  • id number required

    The segment's id.

  • name string

    The name of the segment.

  • constraints object[]required

    List of constraints that determine which users are part of the segment

  • Array [
  • contextName string required

    The name of the context field that this constraint should apply to.

  • operator string required


    The operator to use when evaluating this constraint. For more information about the various operators, refer to the strategy constraint operator documentation.

  • caseInsensitive boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the operator should be case sensitive or not. Defaults to false (being case sensitive).

  • inverted boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the result should be negated or not. If true, will turn a true result into a false result and vice versa.

  • values string[]

    The context values that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of value for properties that accept multiple values.

  • value string

    The context value that should be used for constraint evaluation. Use this property instead of values for properties that only accept single values.

  • ]
  • description string nullable

    The description of the segment.

  • createdAt date-time

    The time the segment was created as a RFC 3339-conformant timestamp.

  • createdBy string

    Which user created this segment

  • project string nullable

    The project the segment relates to, if applicable.

  • ]
  • featureStrategySegments object[]

    A list of segment/strategy pairings

  • Array [
  • segmentId integer required

    The ID of the segment

  • featureStrategyId string required

    The ID of the strategy

  • ]