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Retrieve enabled feature toggles for the provided context.

GET /api/frontend

This endpoint returns the list of feature toggles that the proxy evaluates to enabled for the given context. Context values are provided as query parameters. If the Frontend API is disabled 404 is returned.




  • toggles object[]required

    The actual features returned to the Frontend SDK

  • Array [
  • name string required

    Unique feature name.

  • enabled boolean required

    Always set to true.

  • impressionData boolean required

    true if the impression data collection is enabled for the feature, otherwise false.

  • variant object

    Variant details

  • name string required

    The variants name. Is unique for this feature toggle

  • enabled boolean required

    Whether the variant is enabled or not.

  • payload object

    Extra data configured for this variant

  • type string required

    Possible values: [json, csv, string, number]

    The format of the payload.

  • value string required

    The payload value stringified.

  • feature_enabled boolean

    Whether the feature is enabled or not.

  • featureEnabled boolean deprecated

    Use feature_enabled instead.

  • ]